Our Technology:
Low Power, Low Swarf, Trepanning Tools with Replaceable Tips
Dixon-Lesley hole cutters provide a highly efficient, low energy solution when cutting large holes in difficult materials.
The cutters work by trepanning a narrow face groove right through the work-piece, leaving an easily manageable and often re-usable coupon, instead of a large quantity of swarf and cuttings. The replaceable cutting tips are easily regrindable by the user.
A wide range of tip materials is available, from high speed steels and compacted powder metallurgies to micrograin carbides, and a wide range of specialist coatings is available to suit the most demanding materials.
Arbors to fit most machine spindles can be provided.
See a Cutter in Action
Here is a Dixon-Lesley hole cutter making a 100mm diameter hole in a piece of 22mm-thick steel tube from a de-commissioned offshore jacket fabrication. The hole was made in approximately 2.5 minutes using hand feed in a standard 1½ HP turret milling machine. Spindle speed was about 100rpm.
Beating the Performance of Spade Drills and Core Drills
Dixon-Lesley cutters use only a fraction of the power of spade drills, and come with multiple clamp-in cutting inserts which may be easily reground and replaced.
Unlike conventional single tip trepanning cutters, Dixon-Lesley cutting inserts are robustly supported in a toughened high-alloy tool steel cutter body.
Dixon-Lesley cutters also offer all the advantages of core drills, but their hugely increased strength and resilience makes them virtually shatter-proof.